I hope you and yours are working through and managing the world wide plague and the domestic complications of Trump’s Virus well enough. All things considered we’re getting along well, partly ‘cz we’re sheltering in place with our favorite other person. And y’all?
My 3 weekly Interpersonal [Yalom]/ Gestalt/ informal CBT therapy groups regularly deal with deep grief, often related to death. It’s always well to keep grief like normal depression, processing the necessary appreciations, resentments and regrets to prevent the terrible pain extending beyond 2 or 3 years. There are usually other members grieving other major losses, including anticipatory grief, around friends, job/career, income, divorce, illness, youth, and grown children’s misfortunes, who give and get great benefit and comfort from sharing these normal existential processes.
They can visit my site drbobdick.com , and if we seem a good potential fit, phone to consider. bob 919-215-4703
2 Responses to Deep Grief: My Reply to Another Therapist’s Query