Hypnotic Impasse Resolution  These two PDFs are 1] a flier for my upcoming hypnotic workshop, to help unstick wherever someone’s stuck, and 2] a short bio. I’d appreciate your printing and posting, and giving to anyone you think appropriate.  In addition to the personal hypnotic enhancement of therapeutic outcomes, it’s a good therapy and hypnotherapy training opportunity as well, either as a participant, or observer [half fee].
My website DrBobDick.com should help potential participants know me and my work better, and I’m happy to chat with anyone to consider how the workshop might be helpful. Â My clients get a $10. discount, as do 2 or more folks registering at the same time. As usual, if you don’t want to receive these announcements, just reply with an empty Email. Â Thanks for helping me get this out to folks who can use it.
Preview attachment Bob Dick Short Bio Final 2014-2.pdf